Healing Starts With Hope.
The Nation’s Top Drug & Alcohol Treatment Facilities.

Accredited care for substance use disorders.
Our approach to treating all problems associated with substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health concerns is thorough and integrative.
The Addiction Resource Guide staff can assist you with quitting alcohol and drugs safely, as well as teach you vital techniques that will aid in your long-term recovery.
Our commitment to customer service includes providing all-inclusive treatment options for our consumers. In order to give all of our patients with expert clinical treatment, it is our ultimate goal to recognize the difficulties, worries, and issues associated with substance use and mental health disorders.
Find A Facility

Addiction Resource Guide (ARG) owns and operates facilities at various locations nationwide to provide you or your loved one addiction and mental health care. If you can’t find a drug rehab in your area, you still have options. Many people travel to treatment to help them escape the triggers in their everyday lives. We may even be able to help with travel costs.
If you or someone you love suffers from substance abuse, you might wonder whether they qualify for insurance coverage for treatment. Read More…